It is very fitting that, as the new year begins, the Church dedicates this month of January to the Holy Name of Jesus. This Name above all names is the protection and source of all grace for our souls. Merely saying the Holy Name will bring down many blessings upon us, though we do not see them all, and send the Enemy of our souls fleeing from us.
We remember, also, that the month of January begins with the Feast of the Holy Mother of God. Her name, also, brings down many graces and blessings, protecting us from harm. In the beginning of the new year it is important to consecrate ourselves to our Lord and our Lady, so that they may give us a year of many graces.
It is a common practice to choose New Year’s Resolutions, resolving to do certain things (or not do certain things, or to do certain things better) throughout this new year. We choose to forge new, good habits, or to break old, bad ones. Perhaps we choose to read a new book, pray to a a new patron saint, make a special devotional practice. Whatever it is, it is important, always, to consecrate those efforts to our Lady. You can find the Daily Prayer of Those Consecrated to Our Lady of Guadalupe here. It is a beautiful prayer to use in the new year as we strive to live out our filial love for our dear heavenly Mother.
May our Lady of Guadalupe give to all of us the grace to enter more deeply into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, her Son, in this new year.