True Beauty

True Beauty

(Please note that our winter jewelry collection is no longer available. We apologize for the inconvenience.)

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Beauty is as beauty does"? How about the verse, "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these" (Luke 12:27). 

What, you might ask, do either of these sayings have to do with one another?

True beauty causes a great sensation, because when one exhibits true beauty it is not just in one's outward appearance but in one's actions that it is principally shown. The virtues of humility and trust in God which are spoken of in the aforementioned Bible verse are, when practiced, true jewels with which to adorn oneself. 

We hope our winter jewelry collection might be an inspiration to such virtue!

Comparable to a garden in May,
Handmade bronze - a garden presentation.
Wintry jewels, a mimic to spring, do say,
“Beauty true doth cause a great sensation.”
Juniper’s strength, Winterberry’s glance,
Green mimic pepper, flower sweet and blue,
Lavender ring, or a blueberry, perchance?
A wintry bower in spring flowers grew.
Brooches and earrings in semi precious stone -
Necklaces, rings - all in high summer flow’r.
Come now, find the perfect gift for someone -
Found in advance…or in the final hour.
Has your gift a reason, or need you to find?
Your special someone is first in our mind!