Around this time of year (mid-January), the Church traditionally celebrates the Baptism of the Lord, which is a reminder to meditate on the significance of the gift we have all received in our baptism.
By the sacrament of Baptism, the substantial Presence of the Blessed Trinity comes to dwell within our souls, and we are given the gift of sanctifying grace, by which we have the power to be saved, to live in Heaven forever with the Blessed Trinity. On the day of our baptism we are born again into Christ. At the Easter Vigil every year, there is a text read for the blessing of the Paschal Candle, called The Exultet. One line from this text illustrates an important point - "For it would have profited us nothing to have been born, had we not first been redeemed." We would have gained nothing from our creation, if the Lord had not also redeemed us. He is the Ultimate Good, and through Baptism we are given the power to possess that Ultimate Good.
Because the day of our baptism is one of, if not the most, important day of our lives, it is an important thing to keep the anniversary of this occasion in a special way. Do you know when your Baptismal Anniversary is? If not, it would be good to find out!
A fun way to celebrate a Baptism Anniversary is to celebrate it like you would a birthday! After all, that's what it is! And it's the more important birthday, since through the graces received on this day, we have the Gift of God within us!