My Confession Book
Author(s): Sr. M. Andrine Welters, O.S.B.
Are your children about to make their first confession or looking for a better understanding of the sacrament? First published in 1958, give them all the instruction they need with this timeless, best-selling work: My Confession Book.
Still relevant and fruitful today, this booklet is still one of the best resources to help children understand the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Inside you will find:
- Preparation for confession
- The conditions necessary to receive the sacrament worthily
- An examination of conscience based on the Ten Commandments and Catholic teaching
- Instructions for how to make a good confession
- Instructions for what to say and do in the confessional
- The Act of Contrition
- Instructions for after confession
- Suggestions for prayer after confession and for the reception of Holy Communion
All of the essential and most important parts of making a good confession are described clearly and with detail. The beautiful illustrations and simple instructions make this small booklet perfect for children making their first confession or wanting a better understanding of the sacrament.
The instructions, prayers, and lessons in this book are ones that your child will never forget, and that they will be happy to have access to through this booklet. They will return to them again and again as a source of guidance in their spiritual life. There is no better resource to give your child while they pursue the graces bestowed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
“He that has My Commandments and keeps them, he it is that loves Me.” (John 14:21)